Air Purifier

An air purifier is a device designed to filter the ambient air in a room to eliminate all pollutants. Used by both individuals and professionals, these devices improve air quality by purifying indoor or industrial air.

There are different types of air purifiers:

  • Filtration purifiers: Air is drawn in by a fan and passes through multiple filters (pre-filter, HEPA filter, activated carbon filter, nanoparticle filter) to limit the spread of harmful residues.

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  • Ionization purifiers: They combine filtration and ionization of the air.
  • Photocatalytic purifiers: They destroy pollutants using strong light radiation on a catalyst.
  • Combustion purifiers: They burn pollutants.
  • Plasma purifiers: They excite oxygen molecules to oxidize and destroy pollutants.
  • Washers: They combine humidification and air filtration.

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Air purifiers are equipped with various filters:

  • Pre-filters: Capture large dust particles and pet hair.
  • HEPA filters: Filter microparticles larger than 0.3 μm, such as dust mites, bacteria, and pollen.
  • Activated carbon filters: Eliminate odors and VOCs.
  • Nanoparticle filters: Filter microparticles larger than 0.1 μm.
  • Washable or electric filters: Have electrostatic properties and are reusable.
    Different types of air purifier filters

These devices aim to prevent respiratory issues and improve air quality.

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