Generally, the manual of your appliance offers you a lot of information and advice. Most of the time, it presents the different parts that compose your appliance as well as indications on its starting up and operation. You can also find recommendations and explanations on how to maintain it and frequently asked questions about it. For example, the meaning of an error code appearing on the screen or simple operations to perform.
Have you lost the manual for your device? Don't worry: go to the product sheet, in the "Data Sheet" tab, then click on "Download PDF user manual".
Before you do anything (including falling into a panic!), if your device seems to be broken, the first thing you should do is identify it. This consists of finding the brand as well as the name or model of the device and if possible, its serial number. To do this, it's very simple: each household appliance has an informative label, easily readable and accessible without having to dismantle the entire appliance. Generally, it is located under the appliance or at the back and in the case of very heavy appliances and with tank, it is possible that this label is hidden behind it.
Identifying your device correctly will allow the store or brand to be able to troubleshoot more quickly and easily.
Your invoice presents a very important piece of information: the date of purchase of the device. This date allows us to determine if your device is under warranty or not, and thus, to offer you troubleshooting solutions accordingly.
You have lost your invoice? Don't panic: after identifying your product as explained above, contact us with your full name, email address, device type and serial number. We will then be able to find you in our database.
If you bought your device new and from a professional seller, it is subject to a legal guarantee of conformity for a period of 2 years.
If you bought your device new and from a professional seller, it is subject to a legal guarantee of conformity for a period of 2 years.
After finding your invoice, it turns out that your device is still under warranty at the time of the breakdown or malfunction. To declare the problem, contact us and select "SAV - Problem of use" in the email subject. We will contact you as soon as possible to tell you the procedure to follow.
Unfortunately, your device is defective but is no longer under legal warranty of conformity. At air&me, we try to focus on reparability rather than throwing away. You have the possibility to choose different solutions, both economical and ecological. Your wallet and the planet will thank you!
We work with a specialized supplier who has the spare parts for our devices. He is able to identify the breakdown and repair it, then send you back a device in perfect working order.
With the help of our specialized supplier, we can also help you repair your device yourself After identifying the defective part, we can send you a new one that you only have to install. This way, you will find a device that works and at a lower cost.
Spare parts are available up to 10 years after the date of purchase.