Desk & Table fans


At air&me, we have a wide selection of silent table and desk fans to keep you comfortable during your working hours. Our energy-saving fans can be plugged into a USB socket via your computer. Thanks to their format, table fans are also nomadic. Ideal when you need to move them at any time of day.

Choosing the right desk fan:

  1. Power settings:

    There's no need to choose the most powerful fan, as you'll have it right in front of you, close by. Choose a fan with a variable speed drive, not just 2 or 3 speeds.

  2. Quiet:

    Here again, the close proximity of the fan means you need to take the noise factor into account. Working with a noisy fan will soon become unbearable.

  3. Energy consumption:

    USB solutions are energy-efficient and can be plugged into your laptop without having a major impact on battery life.

For more information on fans, check out our guide on how to choose a fan: How to choose a fan.

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