for a Dehumidifier
A lift pump is an accessory that can either be integrated or external to the device. It prevents the need to empty the dehumidifier's tank when it is full.
Water flows into the tank, and once it's full, the dehumidifier stops functioning. You need to remove the reservoir (which slides out like a drawer), empty it, and then replace it. If your dehumidifier doesn’t restart, check that the float has returned to its initial position and is mobile. Also, ensure that the reservoir is properly placed, as the float often works with a magnet that triggers an electrical switch. In most cases, it's simply a float, which should be checked for mobility.
Water is evacuated by gravity through a hose. This hose must be short (no more than 50 cm). Depending on the dehumidifier model, water either passes through the reservoir (with a cap), or the reservoir is bypassed (the hose is positioned above the maximum water level of the reservoir). In both cases, this disables the automatic shutdown when the reservoir is full.
This method evacuates condensation mechanically, either by lifting it to a higher level or by expelling it over a longer distance. This is especially useful for places like a basement with no water drain or a vacation home left in winter (where the dehumidifier is placed in the middle of the room for better air circulation). Some (rare) dehumidifiers come equipped with a lift pump as standard.
Place the pump inside the reservoir. It’s very important that the water presence detector (red circle) is positioned higher than the intake (blue arrow).
The float should be positioned at the bottom of the reservoir to limit stagnant water.
Run the electrical cable to the outside of the dehumidifier. This is the thinnest cable, but the connector will not pass if the plastic hose is already in place.
* If the continuous drainage hole doesn’t allow the pump hose to pass through, you’ll need to drill a hole in the top of the reservoir. Use a 13 mm metal drill bit.
Pass the plastic hose from the outside into the reservoir and connect it to the pump.